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Comet Nishimura Cuff - The Green Comet C/2023 P1

Comet Nishimura Cuff - The Green Comet C/2023 P1

Regular price £120.00
Regular price Sale price £120.00
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This copper cuff was fabricated to commemorate the ‘Green Comet’ visible in  February 2023. The central peridot cabochon has been set with the flat side up to create a smoother profile. It is protected by textured silver, representing the path of the comet. The ends have been given a decorative styling. The copper surface of the cuff has a lovely red oxidation colouring on the front face, which fades around to the ends of the cuff. These are a more orangey copper colour with a little shine. The whole piece will change naturally with time if left unpolished and kept out of either the sea or pool water. Just give it a wipe with a soft cloth every now and then. 

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